A Word on Reviews

In critiquing individual films, STICKY SEATS will, in addition to a comprehensive review in prose form, provide a numerical rating. This number, from 1.0-10.0, is meant to provide the reader with a concise, quantified translation of the aforementioned criticism. What follows is a brief table charting how a reader of our reviews might interpret a respective rating*:

1.0-2.9 | To be avoided, absolutely and without second thoughts. To view a film rated in this range is a masochistic waste of time, money, and most notably, dignity. We watched these so you don't have to.

3.0-4.9 | While many "fun" blockbusters may fall in this category, as will nearly all types of comedies, this range indicates a movie that is undoubtedly forgettable and categorically poorly-crafted. It's a safe bet to move on.

5.0-6.9 | Here you may find many, and possibly most motion pictures. Middle-of-the-pack, stomachable as often as not, and generally reflective of the state of Hollywood cinema, expect the accompanying review to expound on the hit-and-miss nature of the film.

7.0-8.9 | Many of the best movies in a given year will earn a rating in this range, and, historically, most Oscar winners have and will. While these films may have some quite apparent shortcomings, the reviewer feels strongly about the piece's artistic merit. Find the chance to see these.

9.0-9.9 | Any movie placed into this range is one we generally expect to become, sooner or later, a classic to some degree. Observed flaws are inconsequential, and greatly outweighed by the film's glaring strengths.

10.0 | Such a rating is granted only to those works that could be conceived as the mythical "perfect" film. Very rarely is this honor bestowed on a movie, though when it is, it reflects the reviewer's deep belief that the piece is high art, a bona fide masterpiece in the vein of the greatest achievements of the medium.

*The first 0.9 points is  awarded to the filmmaker more or less for showing up for mastering the logistical tedium of creating and releasing a major motion picture.